Eyeliner Tattoo??

When most people think about getting their eyeliner tattooed, fear and anxiety may rule their emotions. I mean of course, somebody puts a needle that close to your eye and you are going to freak out right? Of course you are! So why do people still do it? And is the reality of it really that scary?

As far as Permanent makeup goes, eyeliner is truly magical for those that get it done. Aside from just making your life a bit easier, your line will always be perfect, it won't smudge, and you won't be irritating your eyes trying to clean it off everyday. You can also swim, sweat, And enjoy a perfectly straight carefully placed line that enhances your beautiful eyes 24 hours a day. Eyeliner happens to be the service that needs touched up the least often which is a huge relief!

With Eyeliner Services, myself and other artists take great care in making our clients very comfortable. I set them at ease with a gentle touch, confidence in my craft, numbing cream, protective eye gel, and iced cotton rounds between passes. I rinse the eye often with saline and you are encouraged to request this whenever you feel you would like it. Rest assured that there is no risk of the tattooing accessing your actual eye. Logistically the hang of the needle is too short and in addition to the way the eyelid is placed, the tattooing process is happening in a direction AWAY from your eye so that the lid is the only thing accessible.

So yes, you are totally normal in having some trepidation around an eyeliner tattoo; however it is a perfectly safe procedure when done by a confident and skilled artist. Plus it comes with sooooo many benefits that may just outweigh your nervousness. But I’ll leave that decision up to you :-)


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