What is SMP? (Scalp Micropigmentation)

SMP is a tattoo on your scalp that uses tiny dots that replicate hair follicles to create the illusion of thicker hair with very realistic results. 

It can be used for both male pattern baldness and for women with thinning hair. In men You can use it for small patches liked the crown,  larger areas (like the receding hairline and the crown), or even the whole head. It can be used to camouflage hair transplant scars (or any scar on the scalp). A popular look is a shaved but short and looks a lot like a 5:00 shadow across the head.

Women typically use SMP to make their hair appear thicker. Most of the time, thinning hair in women is due to a hormonal issue that happens during normal points in their lifetime. Many women lose some hair right after pregnancy and then again going into menopause. Women also lose hair if they have used a lot of bleach or other chemicals on their hair in the past or pulled their hair into tight braids and/or ponytails when they were younger.

For many people, hair loss is a self-esteem issue.  it's important to be easy on yourself and  know that hair loss is very common. About 50% of men experience hair loss by the time they are 50 and 55% of women experience hair loss by the time they're 70.

For those that want to do something about it, SMP is here.

The treatment will typically consist of three appointments spaced about 2 weeks apart. At my office in Windsor California, just north of Santa Rosa and 60 miles north of San Francisco, I like to build slowly with depth to create a very realistic look. The first appointment will will be the base, the second appointment will be done with a subtly different color and perhaps a subtly smaller or larger needle depending on how the initial appointment healed. The last appointment is more of a touch-up to hit any any spots that may have been scratched off during aftercare or that didn't heal great due to oily skin or some other similar factor. 

As far as pain, most people don't experience much pain or sensitivity on the scalp.

The most important thing to remember before your SMP procedure is that you should really understand and be committed to the aftercare because that will guarantee the best results possible. SMP aftercare involves keeping your hair totally dry and using no chemicals on the hair or scalp for 4 to 10  days. The length will depend on what your artist tells you. You must avoid sweating at this time as much as possible which makes winter and early spring an ideal time to schedule your SMP. However, if you choose to do your Scalp Micropigmentation during summer or warmer weather, don’t be deterred: That’s what the cool setting on the hair blow dryer is for and you should use it any time you happen to glisten :-)


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